Bethlehem Baptist Church
215 Wilkinson Rd
Richmond, VA 23227
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Bethlehem Baptist Church
215 Wilkinson Rd
Richmond, VA 23227
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2020 Graduates
Despite unexpected circumstances, these Bethlehem Baptist Church members rose above it all and graduate! We are so proud of these young people and excited to see them start their new journey!
De’ja Harrison
2019 Graduate, Longwood University
De'ja graduate with her Bachelors of Science in Psychology.
Ethan Pitts, III
2020 Graduate, Hermitage High School
Ethan will be attending James Madison University in the Fall majoring in Kinesiology. He hopes to become a physical therapist.
Elijah Smith
2020 Graduate, Hermitage High School
Elijah will be attending Norfolk State University in the Fall.
Jett Williams
2020 Graduate, Henrico High School
International Baccalaureate
Jett will be attending Cormier Honors College of Longwood University in the fall majoring in Psychology.
Bethlehem Baptist Church
215 Wilkinson Rd,
Richmond, VA 23227